A documentary exploring "anti-science" scientists who are paid by big corporations to create doubt in the minds of the public and politicians about things like the health effects of tobacco, climate change and even flame retardant chemicals.
A riveting discussion of the way scientists are intimidated, "proven" wrong and partially silenced due to the pressures of capitalist economics and the power of the dollar in America. Very well told, beautifully filmed, using an actual illusionist/magician to discuss methods of disinformation and distraction throughout, the film is also highly entertaining.
A great deal of food-for-thought and long discussions post-film. This is solid doco worth seeing: 4/5
Marisa Martin, Nov, 2014
Merchants of Doubt is re-screening 4:30pm, Saturday, 8 November, 2014 as part of the Canberra International Film Festival at Canberra Dendy Cinema!
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